The birth of baby Zevy

It was 2:30am and I woke to my phone buzzing, this was it - time to photograph my first ever birth!

I jumped out of bed and excitedly threw on my outfit, grabbed my camera bag and jumped into my car. I drove up into the hinterlands to the little town of Bangalow and crept into to the open house to find Jess, already deep in labour. I got out my camera and started photographing just in time to capture little Zevys entrance into the world.

A birth is raw and full of emotion; joy, relief, love. I feel very privilidged to have been invited into this intimate experience and came away knowing that I had been a part of something very special.

Welcome to the world little man!

Birth Photography
birth photography
Birth photography
Birth photography
Birth photography
Birth photography
birth photography
Birth photography
birth photography
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birth photography
birth photography
birth photography
birth photography
birth photography
birth photography
birth photography
birth photography
Birth photography

Family Session: Brunswick Heads


Family Session | South Golden Beach