How to create a style guide for your brand


Images are vital elements of your brand. They are usually the first thing that a visitor to your website or social channel notice, and will be the deciding factor of if they stay and explore or click away. Below I’ve outlined the key elements of image style. Thinking through your preferences in these areas will help you to develop your brands style.


When you look at your favourite brands, you will probably notice that they each have a colour palette which consistently shows up in everything they produce.

Colours have an extraordinary ability to influence mood, emotions, and perceptions both consciously and subconsciously. Picking a colour palette which visually represents your brand’s personality and using it consistently across all aspects of your business will help to deepen your audience's understanding of, and connection to your brand.


Take into consideration the colours of your palette when preparing for your branding photography session. You may like to wear colours in your palette or pick props or backdrops which contain colours in your palette.

Branding photography


Colour saturation can influence the emotions your brand evokes. More saturated colours are best suited to young audiences. While, muted colour palettes speak strongly to mature audiences.

Branding photography


The composition is another major element which can define your brand identity. You can adopt a classy, minimalistic look with a lot of negative space. Or you can choose a more busy, full look which speaks in a more lively quirky voice.

Branding photography


Content is key in portraying your vibe. Location, models and props can say a lot about your brand, for example; if you are a body positive brand, you’ll want to ensure that you include a diversity of models. Or if your brand values the environment and sustainability you’ll want to ensure that your choices reflect this.

*Tip: Before you photoshoot, think about what models, props and locals will best help you convey your values.  

Personal Branding Photography

Before a branding photoshoot, take the time to think through each of the above areas and note your preferences into a style guide which you can refer back to each time you create new images for your brand.

By creating a style guide, you’ll ensure that you consistently deliver images which represent you well. This consistency is a huge factor to building an instantly recognisable brand.

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